For someone intent on shooting the rifle, the relative scarcity of the 7.65x54 ammo may be a detractor, whereas it may not be for somebody who intends to buy it as a 'wall hanger' or 'safe queen'. On the left receiver rail, in two lines, is (1) DEUTSCHE WAFFEN-UND (2) MUNITIONS FABRIKEN, BERLIN ((H) page #22 Illus. (However, it's not a good idea to shoot the faster loads in the earlier '91 Argentines.) On the earliest type three (3) M-1909 carbines the letters are smaller on the side rail. The six or so I have seen are all in the 'A' prefix serial number range. I can take some tonight and send if you have email. This procedure made no sense to me at the time, and it makes even less sense to me now. It would be many years before I realized just what a great rifle I had purchased that fateful day. I have 3 of his guns and he was likely the last one to pull the trigger over 25 years ago.
In my junk pile is a like new on the outside - with totally ruined bore - barrel from a 1908 Brazilian Mauser cal 7X57.